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447 Broadway, New York, NY

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Company Profile

We outline the positive influence your company has on your industry.

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Industry Recognition

Display your industry recognition and earn trust with your customers.

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Increased Online Presence

Boost your brand's online reputation through news, social media, and email campaigns.

CSR Collaboration

Partner with a nonprofit socially responsible cause that fits your goals. 

Social Responsibility

CSR collaboration has the power to change businesses. The overall benefits for private companies can drive growth and become a leader for other companies to follow. We pair you with a non-profit organization that meets your needs.

Executive Leadership Branding

Directly influence people locally and worldwide to support your social cause. Your company profile gets featured on influential media and news publications. We use multiple promotion outlets to feature your story.

Industry Recognition

Achieve industry recognition and achieve an increased market presence and accelerator capabilities. Private and Public companies that include innovation, social responsibility, and employee incentives.

Build long term partnerships

Build successful partnerships that benefit your company, employees, and customers. Boost your company's credibility and show people that you are taking CSR seriously.


Partner with local and national universities and support scholarship programs.

Non Profits

Explore our partner directory to find a socially responsible cause to support. 


Find local and online profiles specializing in emotional and physical health.

Generated for social causes
Partners around the globe
Customer Satisfaction
Image of Customers

Support Employee Wellness

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Customize physical wellness programs designed to improve morale and increase productivity. Give your employees access to incentivized physical wellness activities. Receive access to employee discounts on local and online physical trainers, nutritionists, and diet regimens.

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Employees are prone to burnout if your company is growing rapidly. Most millennials and Gen Z workers expect their company to support their mental and emotional health. Increase employee morale by giving your employees access to yoga and mental health professionals.